We have 2 periods: 1) July-December & 2) January-June
Summer lessons in July-August 2024: week 27, 28, 29, 33, 35 (on appointment)
First lesson in Sept 2024 Monday, 2/9/2024; Holidays following Dutch schools
Voorspeelmiddag/Students concert: Saturday, 14/12/2024 at my place; Friday, 27/6/2025 at Van Kerkwijk Piano, Amstelveen
RATE PER SEASON, INDIVIDUAL LESSONS, plus 21% BTW for students older than 21.
a) 60 minuten, 30 lessons/season, €1550
b) 45 minuten, 30 lessons/season, €1300
c) 30' minuten, 30 lessons/season, €1050
d) 60 minuten, 17 lessons/season, €1050
Payed 2x in the periodes 1) July-December & 2) January-June.
More lessons or less lessons are possible too.
Other wishes? Let's discuss.
a) Basics of playing music and piano, learning by ears, by rote and reading music sheets. The materials are among others: Suzuki book 1, Joy of the First Year Piano, Piano Picollo (Pianissimo series), Dromen van een Witte Kerst (Frank Rich), Popsongs spelen, zo doe je dat! (Bernie Vane), Students' suggestions ("simple" pop, fim music, other hits).
b) Basics of playing music and piano, learning by reading music sheets and practicing more independently. The materials are among others: Pianissimo series (Piano Picollo, Fur Elise & Liebestraum), Mastering the Piano Alfred Edition series (book 2-7), ABRSM grade 1-8 series (appear every 2 years). Those series work like catalogs of original music written by the so-called classical composers.
c) Especially Baroque and Classical. Why? Because Baroque and Classical are my favorite genre, and they have extra benefit, one of them is, in helping us to learn playing the piano without pedal. Why is it important? It enhances our connection with the instrument. I use Suzuki book 2-7 as a reference because this method dares making very clear choices and it's quite widely used eventhough also with some controversial responses among piano teachers.
d) Especially Loved & Popular. Fom Yiruma to Chopin, from Einaudi, Yann Tiersen to Satie & Debussy, students' suggestions (as much as I can)
e) Exercises & Theory. Practicing scales, arpeggios, cadences; getting to know the tonality and chord progressions of your songs/pieces, analyzing the musical sentences, the harmony and the structure of your songs/pieces to get to know the pieces more thoroughly.
f) Open Lesson depending on our interaction at that moment. Free improvisation, Sight reading, Practice & Playing strategies, Composing, Arranging, Dictation, Notating, Listening to music, Searching for new pieces, Reviewing old pieces, Reviewing what we know and what we don't know yet, Discovering our instruments (the piano and our body), Discussing things related directly/indirectly to music, etc.
g) Playing Duet. Occasionally we play duet but mostly we play solo pieces. Playing duet needs to be explored more in my piano studio because it's very musical and fun to do.
Studying (a piece of) music means getting to know it more closely, getting more familiar with it.